Choosing the Right RV for You


Picking out an RV can potentially be a daunting task, whether you’ve done it before or it’s your first time. RVs vary a lot more than cars do. They come in wildly differing dimensions, possess various amenities, and can cost anywhere from a used car to a small home.

Just remember: if you keep your head on straight and know what your family needs, your budget, and what your travel goals are, you ought to be able to pick out the perfect RV.

What You and Your Family Needs

This consideration boils down to this: how many people are coming along? What does this mean in terms of sleeping arrangements, bathroom usage, cooking, entertainment, and general elbow room? If it’s just you and your partner, you can get away with a truck camper or compact travel trailer. If you’re trying to take along your family of six, you might want to spring for that Class A for the extra space and comfort it will afford to everyone. If you like to bring along a lot of ATVs, kayaks, or mountain bikes, maybe a toy hauler is right for your family.

Your Budget

Obviously you can’t extend your reach beyond what’s affordable. Once you determine your family’s needs, you can only go so far as your budget will allow. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get that Class A you need — you may just have to get it pre-owned instead of new. Whatever the case, you ought to be able to find something in your price range as long as you take the time to shop and explore all the options available to you.

Your Travel Goals

This is the final consideration. Once you know what your family needs and what your price range is, it’s time to consider what kind of destinations you’ll be aiming yourself toward. If you plan on hitting up major cities and National Parks, larger RVs are good choices since you’ll almost always be guaranteed good RV hookups. If you’re going to try to get off the beaten path and visit smaller towns and more obscure natural settings, you might want to go smaller. Smaller RVs can go where larger ones can’t because they’re less likely to encounter obstacles they can’t clear (such as low-hanging branches and bridges or narrow roads).

Visit PleasureLand RV Center

To learn more about any particular RV type or model, visit PleasureLand RV Center. Not only can you get RV sales, parts, accessories and service at PleasureLand RV Center, but you can also ask our knowledgeable and helpful staff any questions you may have concerning RVs. We’ll help you pick out the RV that’s best for you, your family, and your travel goals.

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