pirate johnny/Flickr Creative Commons
While traveling, kids, though excited, are often antsy because they want to arrive at their destination now. To keep them from beating each other up and to keep your sanity, give them something to do while you are on the road. Be sure you have everything you need before you leave, including any accessories you may need to pick up at PleasureLand RV.
Pipe Cleaner Candy Canes
Have the kids twist red and white pipe cleaners together to make candy cane decorations. To make the craft last a while, make a game of it. Whoever sees a yellow car must yell “Yellow car!” That person can make a candy cane. Though taxis and school busses usually don’t count, for this game, you can let them count.
Cardboard Gingerbread People
Before you leave, make gingerbread people cutouts from cardboard. Cut out decorations and faces for them from construction paper. Get each child a glue stick – they are less messy than regular glue and won’t spill – and let the kids make gingerbread ornaments on the trip. When they are done, you can string them together to make a garland to decorate the RV.
Christmas Memory Game
This is a typical memory game, but you can make it more fun by providing a pattern for Christmas trees. Instruct the children to trace the pattern on green construction paper, and then cut out the trees. Glue a button on one side of each tree. Then, on the other side, put the memory clues. You can use the alphabet if your kids are just learning that. You can match a math problem with an answer. Or you can match a color word with the actual color. Adapt this game to whatever the kids are learning.
It’s probably a good idea to make the trees and put the text on them before the trip – this would be something that will get the kids excited for a trip and excited to play a new game.
Stop by PleasureLand RV
Stop by PleasureLand RV to pick up any necessities or accessories you may need. And, if you don’t have an RV but are considering one, stop by to walk through the many floor plans. If you are still undecided, you can always rent an RV to see if RVing is something you would like to do more often.