Awning Upkeep

If you are planning on using your RV for this upcoming summer, you need to make sure that your awning is in good shape. Whether vinyl or acrylic, awnings have become a must have when enjoying your RV. It could be as simple as having a place to take a break from the elements or just giving your RV that at home feel. With the awning out, we try to convey a warm feel to people in the area that we are “open for business” so to speak. When someone sees an open awning, they usually feel that the people are welcoming or that they are there for an extended period of time.

Not only does it give you shade from the sun, but using different add ons, you can customize the outside of you RV to your specific tastes. For some, the overhang is good enough, but for others, certain touches can add a little pizazz. If you are worried about bugs during those humid summer months you may choose to add a screen that can attach right onto your awning to keep them away. Another way to spruce it up would be to add some lights to give you a little more coverage than a fire can typically give. There are plenty of other options out there for you to personalize your patio area.

With all of the bonuses that an awning offers, it is very important that you keep it in tip top shape. As their use is tied into keeping you protected from the rain, it is safe to assume that it will get wet at times. This situation, compounded with the fact that for a good majority of the time it is rolled up or stored away, can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Because of these deteriorating situations, it is necessary to maintain you awning with a lot of care. Not only after it becomes stained or needs replacement, it is imperative that you do some preventative care. One way to prevent would be to make sure that the awning is completely dry before it is stored away. This moisture is sure to cause some sort of problem if not taken care of. In an instance where this is not possible, such as leaving your destination during a rain storm, you should just be prepared to unroll it and let it dry as soon as you get the chance. And if you do not use you awning for a while, it might be a good idea every once in a while to check on it for any kind of problems before it gets to the point where you need to replace it.

Finally, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the mechanical aspects of your awning as well. Whether it is a automatic awning or one you crank by hand, knowing what to do in the situation could prevent a bad situation should it malfunction. If you are unaware of how to fix a problem while on the campground, try to ask a neighbor for help or just use that imagination you have to find a solution.

Remember the awning is only is as good as you keep it, so make sure you are diligent in keeping it in the best shape as possible. What kind of awning do you use? Do you customize yours or just sit back and enjoy the shade? Let us know in the comment section below!

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