Upgrading Your TV

Entertainment is a huge part of the RV experience. In the world of constantly changing technology, it stands to reason that you will at some point have to switch to a flat screen in your RV at some point. While basic tube TVs took up a lot of room, the newer thinner ones most likely are in a different shape than your previous one. In an RV, this could be a bit trickier than switching out your TV at home. Even though this change might seem like a big task, once completed it will only increase the enjoyment that you get out of your RV. Check out the video below for some helpful hints on upgrading you entertainment system from a standard tube TV to a newer, flatter one.




Have you had to make this change in your RV recently? Have any comment or suggestions for those looking to upgrade! Leave it below.

Mark’s RV Garage Volume 1

I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to start my day without a nice hot shower followed by a nice breakfast. Many modes of transportation and trip taking make these things difficult if not impossible without the security of a hotel room. But that is why you have an RV, so you don’t have to worry about these things. Along with this luxury comes great responsibility. Maintenance of your RVs water heating system, while tedious at times, is imperative for its functionality and preservation. In Mark Polk’s first edition of Mark’s RV Garage, he discusses this topic in depth. When the water system is not in use, it is necessary to drain the stagnant water in order to keep bacteria and other minerals from corroding your system. In the episode, he uses a product called the Tank Saver in order to clean out the sediment from the system. I stumbled across this video and wanted to share the tips he gives on maintenance of the system and how to avoid such problems.

Do you do your own regular maintenance or do you have a professional look at it? Make sure to leave a comment below!

[Source: RV Videos]